Getting Stuck In

Vic Harkness, an avid Falcolner based in Salisbury has got stuck right in to Salisbury Speakers.  She not only joined Toastmasters International but has taken on the role of Public Relations officer for this newly formed, local club.


Vic recently challenged James Thomas, BBC Radio Wiltshire to a live table topics contest on air.  James was ‘voted’ the winner by Karen Chapman, the Club President – however, he did pass on four of the topics before he found one he could talk about for a whole minute. “In a real life Toastmaster’s meeting at Salisbury Speakers, members don’t get the choice of declining a topic (guests can!  We don’t want to put them off!)” explained Vic with a grin.


Table Topics is just one part of the fun and challenging bi-monthly meetings. The purpose of Salisbury Speakers is to help people fight the fear they have speaking in public.


Delivering a well prepared and practiced speech is what most members want to nail when they join.  If you want to be a great communicator then you need to learn how to give and receive constructive feedback. There is a specific programme to help you hone those all important skills whilst you hone the art of delivering a prepared speech.


There are many reasons to develop your communication skills:  interviews, wedding speeches, business pitches, family gatherings, even online videos.  Learning how to deliver a pretty good speech can be done in the first 10 Competent Communicator speeches. Salisbury Speakers can help you with whatever is stopping you take the stage, with a structured programme of hints, tips and of course … practice.


Vic delivered her Icebreaker speech in May when she shared her passion for big bird photography.  She has many other stories to tell, not least, how she smashed her leg in a climbing accident.  If you want to find out more …


Salisbury Speakers meets on the first and third Mondays of the month at St George’s Church Hall, Harnham. Please contact us via this website if you would like to come along to a meeting or receive more information.