‘Oooo It’s Chocolate Time’ was our theme. And yes, there was chocolate at this last meeting before Easter.
At the warm-up we heard how many meanings we all find in Easter: from gambolling to roasted lambs and Christian to pagan rituals. And chocolate of course.
Tonight an icebreaker was our winning speech. The speaker recommended that we consider the five people closest to us, as they make us who we are.
Another speaker lamented the absence of the red pen in the digital world to correct all those erors. *errors, she argued, doesn’t cut it.
Our final speaker played the role of interviewee. This role-play format is an challenge for advanced Toastmasters – another great skill well worth honing.
Colourful paper-egg cutouts were hidden under our seats during the break. At Table Topics we each looked to see whether they said ‘Egg’, entitling us to a chocolate treat. If not, we had to do a table topic.
Two new guests came to the stage. They shared memories of tuck-shop Chomp and Wham bars and a homemade chocolate-beetroot cake – and both managed to include the word of the day!
The only thing left was for the general evaluator to evaluate everything that had not been evaluated, though he quite rightly refused to evaluate the evaluation of an evaluation. A dimension too far.