
Pathways is the new learning system operated by Toastmasters International. It moves us away from a paper based system to one where all resources are provided online.

It completely rebuilds the process for recording achievement on your Toastmasters journey and integrates the former Communication and Leadership tracks into one process within which there are many more options. Take a look at the resources below for more information or  visit  for more sample resources.

What’s in Pathways?

The quickstart guide gives a rapid 2 page overview:

Pathways Quick Start Guide

Or for more detail on what’s in each project:

Pathways Paths and Projects Catalog

If you are looking to develop specific areas of your skills here’s info on the competencies each pathway focusses on:

Paths and Core Competencies

The path which is closest to the old Competent Communication Manual is ‘Presentation Mastery’. However all of the paths are still based around speechmaking and any path will develop your speaking skills as well additional targetted skills such as leadership, team working or coaching and mentoring.

You might also be interested in taking a look at the Navigator handbook , a short printable guide which which introduces new members to how Toastmasters works. It gives a good shortform overview of the new shape of the Toastmasters formula. The descriptions of Pathways are on pages 9-12:



OK, I’ve signed up, now how do I use Pathways?

The Pathways online learning environment can take a bit of getting used to. The London Public Speakers Club has prepared a set of videos and infographics for their members which we are happy to share:

Here’s a document to take you through the basics:
Pathways basics

Here’s a video prepared by an Australian club which illustrates the process visually:

If you some more guidance on how Pathways works, please speak to our Club President or Vice President Education.